Sales managers can help their teams improve their WFH experience by encouraging healthy habits, such as hitting "pause" every few hours or so to get up, move around, drink water, and take a walk. You can also work with your team to: Invest in the right equipment. If your company approves the fee, encourage your reps to upgrade their current work-from-home setup.
Whether it's a standing desk, a better laptop with a good webcam, or a more ergonomic chair. Enabling your team to build a more comfortable and productive workspace will help them produce better results. Inspire better time industry mailing list habits. Lead by example. The only way your team can improve their time management habits is to demonstrate the right way. For example, it's easy to become a workaholic when you have no office boundaries.
You'll be addicted to it, not resting all day, and then keep working until late at night to answer emails. It can happen these days, but you shouldn't do it all the time. If you show your team that you don't need to work 24/7 and can "unplug", you will not only inspire better time management habits, but a happier, healthier team. Increase communication channels.