Just as you'd be if this were the Telephone Number List first time you were selling a business. After all, this is not just a transaction of fixtures, inventory, and cash flow, but one of livelihood and personal identity. A business is, for many, the meat of one's life- and it is now about to be bartered. The process can be Telephone Number List emotional as well. With that said, you should also know that virtually every seller will try to cover up his feelings to gain the upper hand in the bargaining process.
This is an instinctual tendency used Telephone Number List to protect personal territory. The first seller personality you might run into is "The Trekker". The main character trait of "the Trekker" is an air of indifference Telephone Number List towards you, the buyer. When you propose a deal, you will most likely hear this: "I'm more or less just exploring the possibility.
A lot depends on the offer." This posture is designed to make Telephone Number List the seller look as if he or she could take it or leave it. In this case, he wants you to dismiss any notion that he or she is desperate and would sell the business for "pennies". It would be most appropriate for you, the buyer, to respond with a similar Telephone Number List answer, "Well, to tell you the truth, I'm more or less just exploring the possibility myself.